About HTNZ Incorporated


HTNZ was registered as an Incorporated Society in 2003. It is a membership-based organisation to administer Healing Touch courses in New Zealand and provide support and continuing education for its membership.

All levels of the Healing Touch Certificate Programme are offered by HTNZ which is managed by a Committee of volunteers who oversee the business of the organisation. Healing Touch courses were first taught in New Zealand in 1993. Courses were brought originally from Denver, Colorado, USA where the founder Janet Mentgen, a nurse, developed from her experiences, a Healing Touch Certificate Programme.

Today the Healing Touch Certificate Programme is overseen by the nonprofit organisation Healing Beyond Borders (HBB) which continues today in its role of educating and certifying Healing Touch®.

It also manages ethics for Certified Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors in addition to overseeing the research agenda.