Become a Member
Membership is open to anyone who has completed the Foundations of Healing Touch Course. On becoming a member you become part of a heart-centred community committed to a programme of rigorous training and support.
Annual Membership is $50 which helps us achieve our mission of encouraging the teaching and practice of Healing Touch in New Zealand; supporting regional groups; implementing and maintaining high ethical standards and practices set by our International body – Healing Beyond Borders.
As a member of HTNZ you will enjoy the following benefits:
- Participation in a rigorous curriculum and certification programme
- Ongoing professional development opportunities
- Association with international body (HBB)
- Affiliate member of Natural Health Practitioners of New Zealand Inc on completion of all five Healing Touch courses – benefits include professional liability insurance (member practitioners must apply individually for this insurance)
- Newsletter (three per year) sent electronically
- Special membership rates to all HTNZ courses
- Notice of upcoming events
- Entitled to attend AGM and have voting rights
- Free website listing for CHTPs including your photo
- Entitled to access to our private Facebook page
- Practice Nights
Membership payments can be paid directly into our bank account: 02 0655 0034746 000
Please use your surname as a reference on your payment.