Healing Touch Courses on Hold

Due to the present Covid 19 constraints, HTNZ does not have clarity regarding the requirements for the safety of all people involved in the running of our classes. We are seeking more information on this. Please keep watching the website for updated...


For anyone still wishing to pay membership this year. Membership payments can be paid directly into our bank account: 02 0655 0034746 000 Please use your surname as a reference on your payment.

Bee Analogy for COVID 19

In his book Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive, Mark Winston shares ten lessons from bees that may be useful as we navigate the weeks ahead. Use teamwork Bees are flexible and adaptable. In that spirit, the Healing Beyond Borders office will be telecommuting until...

HBB – Staying Connected during Social Distancing

An email from our Research Director, Sue Hess, got me to thinking. How can we as a Healing Touch community maintain social connection during this time of social distancing that is increasing stress and anxiety? And while it’s not perfect, I thought that maybe we...